The BCCTC is part of BABN - a transatlantic network comprising British chambers of commerce in North America and the UK. Why are we part of this network? A 435 million reasons!
As the British Canadian Chamber of Trade and Commerce exists to promote the transatlantic business interests of our members, with the BABN - we are a gateway to the US market, too.
In the next few months we will explore some of the areas where this collaboration will show its importance and where we can support our members on doing business not only across the pond, but across the lakes.
As well as providing you with updates on the Canada - UK Free Trade Agreement negotiations, we will be featuring articles covering topics connecting Canada, the UK and the US. Where we can learn from proven practices and support each other. Please see below some examples of collaboration, and invitations to upcoming events.
Last week the BABN published a new White Paper suggesting ways to help SMEs looking to trade and invest across the Atlantic without the need for a Trade Agreement which you can read here.
BAB’s specific recommendations illustrate what such a work plan could look like. Drawing on existing work, research, and stakeholder input, BABN proposes the establishment of joint principles for future US-UK SME cooperation, permanent mechanisms for government and stakeholder engagement on US-UK SME trade, joint reporting on the barriers faced by SMEs when trading across the Atlantic, specific resources for SMEs, and SME-focused campaigns as tangible items of a future Work Plan.
Delivering on such a Work Plan will strengthen and inform wider US-UK trade talks, keep SMEs at the heart of transatlantic economic cooperation, create US-UK leadership on an SME agenda, and most importantly deliver to companies who want to make the transatlantic corridor part of their growth plans.
Line 5 - the pipeline moving Canadian oil down to the US, through Superior, Wisconsin and back to Canada which Michigan Governor Whitmer promised to shut down due to the risk of polluting the Great Lakes.
When this happened, Canadian, U.S. and State Chambers of Commerce - all leading business organizations representing tens of thousands of employers and millions of workers on both sides of the border - joined forces in another united showing of support and filed a united amicus brief to tackle this issue. Proving one more time how a Chamber of Commerce, and its network, makes a difference representing you - member of the business community.
To learn more on this topic we invite to read “Maintaining Supply in a Clean Energy Transition” By Mike Gladstone, Director, External Affairs, Canada, and Enterprise Public Policy at Enbridge, Inc., Vice-chair of the Energy Council of Canada and co-chair of the Canada-US Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Upcoming events
1. Canada & the UK Trade after Brexit - how it’s going. Taking place just before International Trade Week, join us to get an overview on Canada - UK trade, and tips for those looking at exporting and importing between Canada and the UK. Free to attend. Register here.
2. PEO Leadership - a premier peer to peer network and advisory firm for C-Suite Executives, successful entrepreneurs and senior business leaders in North America is hosting its 10th Leadership conference on Nov 16-17 in Toronto. Click here to see previous conferences.
BCCTC members will receive a 15% discount! Contact us for details. More info
3. The Toronto Global Forum is an international conference fostering dialogue on national and global issues. It is held under the auspices of the International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA). Complimentary tickets for BCCTC members, contact us for details.
4. International Trade Week
From October 31st to November 4th, “International Trade Week” - UK’s largest trade and export-focused event hosted by the UK Department for International Trade will take place. We are preparing a series of events on this side of the pond to show why Canada is the destination of choice for British companies looking for new markets.
5. Accounting for the Future
Join fellow professionals at ACCA's flagship virtual conference for engaging, enjoyable learning and development - ensuring you keep up to date with the tools and knowledge you need so you can learn, adapt and thrive in these challenging times
~ Conference highlights ~
Adapt to today's fast-moving environment
Develop the skills that will be required to drive change and help build resilience, cope with global economic volatility, and master developments in new technology
There's something for everyone
Learn how organisations' risk culture should adapt to changes in the business landscape, the skills needed in green finance, the tax implications of a globally mobile workforce - and much more.
Up to 15 units of free CPD on offer
Join experts discussing hot topics, from technical - such as skills needed in sustainability assurance to softer skills -such as how to be a compassionate leader, and how to influence and persuade.