The UK-Canada Agelech Innovation Exchange programme will launch an open competition on January 3, 2023, with a closing date of February 3, 2023. Companies from the UK and Canada are invited to apply for funding to participate in an international exchange visit or for a place on a virtual support programme, supported by partners that have in-depth knowledge of the healthy ageing innovation ecosystems within each country.
In Canada: Support for UK innovators who have their product on the market and are seeking support from Canadian partners to conduct real world evaluation or establish their product in Canada. A workshop programme provided by AGE-WELL and CABHI partners will be offered to all inbound UK innovators. The Canadian visit will also coincide with a major health and technology event such as COLLISION in Yoronto (to be contirmed)
UK support for Canadian companies: An in-depth 1-1 diagnostic review will be conducted for up to 25 support to conduct real world evaluation or establish their product on the market in the UK. During the companies. alonaside virtual networking and webinars provided for the group. Canadian support for UK visit. a structured 2-4 dav support programme will be provided b the northern Academic Health Science companies: A structured virtual sUDDort proaramme will be provided for un to 25 UK companies Networks. This visit is likely to take place in June 2023 (to be confirmed). to coincide with the NHS Confed/Expo conference in Manchester.
More info here: