We have the pleasure to present to you BCCTC Corporate Member - Niagara Economic Development.
Discover the unique strengths of the Niagara Region for economic development. Our community boasts numerous competitive advantages, and our extensive network is dedicated to fostering business success, distinguishing our region. Despite its rapid growth, Niagara maintains a welcoming small-town atmosphere. With a wealth of trade experts, networking organizations, research hubs, and business incubators, Niagara stands ready to champion your business growth. Explore how Niagara Economic Development can take a forefront position in propelling your business to success. Don't hesitate to reach out directly for assistance.
Contacts George Spezza Director, Economic Development George.spezza@niagararegion.ca  Marco Marino Associate Director, Economic Development  Connect with Niagara Economic Development on Social Media: LinkedIn: Niagara Canada – Economic Development Twitter/X: @NiagaraEconomic Facebook: Niagara Economic Development |